The ministries at Trinity encompass a wide range of opportunities for individuals and their families to believe, belong, become, and be who God has called and designed you to be.
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The Oasis Ministry Center is an outreach facility in downtown Corydon where people from all walks of life can find hope and healing in Jesus.
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Leaders: Adam and Brandi Wise

Midweek Discipleship for Middle School & High School Students

Meets each Wednesday at 6:30PM
@ The Oasis
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Leader: Heather Terry

Discipleship for kids of all ages.

Takes place each Sunday and Wednesday
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Leader: Carla Griffin

For women of all ages and backgrounds to connect, belong, and grow deeper in their faith together.

Includes monthly Bible studies, and events.
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Leaders: Dan Boone, Pat Burke, Charlie Ferrel

For men of all ages and backgrounds to connect, belong and grow deeper in their faith together.

Includes weekly Bible studies, and monthly fellowship events.
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Leaders: Joe and Sandy Elmore

For ages 50+ to connect, grow and develop relationships with one another

Includes weekly Bible studies and yearly fellowship gatherings.
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Leaders: Gloria Messmer, and Amy Loughmiller

Weekly outreach to the women in the Harrison County Jail
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Leaders: Nelson and Darlene Myers

Thrift Store and Food Pantry
Open every Monday from 1 - 5 PM
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Leader: Carla Griffin

A Christian Coffee House & Music event.
Open every 4th Saturday from 6 - 8:30 PM